About the Show

A music-narrated presentation of the Grimms Brothers folk tale about four abandoned animals who decide to band together to become musicians in the town of Bremen..

THE STORY: The Brothers Grimm collected stories that had been passed down through the preceding centuries as folklore, and among these was a peculiar tale about an unlikely brotherhood of animals who when abandoned by their owner, make the unexplained decision to go to the town of Bremen and become musicians.

The tale has a deeper meaning relevant to those who feel outcast and set a goal for a new life, and along the way, find a new home and community of like-minded individuals to feel a part of, where they will not face the threat of rejectionl
THE MUSIC: Many songwriters have explored the theme of rejection and new beginnings, and folk music in particular has given us a rich resource to draw from.  Gaedellica will bring its own special blend of folk/jazz/classical infused sound to the story.

THE SHOW:  Actor Ted Follows narrates the story and Shadow Puppet Theatre brings the characters to life, and each animal has its own story to "sing", performed by Gaedelica's Karen MacLeod and Jason Pfeiffer.

Artistic director Earl McCluskie transforms the Jazz Room into a mythical experience of light, sound and images.

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